2008. október 13., hétfő

A Wallet and a Coat

Can you imagine a realy stirring night? Certainly you can. But how about this one:

It was a mild autumn evening, when I decided to spend some pleasant hours in a pub, with a handful of my friends. The pub's name: "Monte Christo". It is quite a good place for sipping a glass of "nefürgyéle" or "musszolini" and deeply immerse in a good conversation. It was about eleven'o clock, when one of my friends (Peti) found out that his coat had vanished. It was like a slap in the face. What's more he realised that his wallet had been in it's pocket. We immediately started investigation amongst the guests, but no one knew nothing. After we started to rove around in the town, hunting for by-passers, asking them about a red coat. It was gripping at the begining, but after some hours it became a nightmare. By 2'o clock it had been chilly and our only wish was to go home. But we did not give up. At half past 2 we returned to the Zsolnay statue (where Monte Chriso is). We were argueing what to do when someone noticed that Sippi (one of us) was missing. Then the thriler began. I think there was no one in the streat who was not woken up by "SIPPI! SIPPI! SIPPI!" shouts. But there was no answer until......."WHO THE HELL IS SIPPI?" ....came on a yelling drunk voice from the darkness. Than we glimpsed it's source. He was a young bum. Seconds of shock. And then the moments of recognition: his jacket was so familiar. Just like Peti's one. Not just like... IT WAS THAT!

You might think that I have just created this story for the purpose of an exciteing blog post. But it would be a wrong assumption. Everithing I have written down is true.
The story ended at the police station - thank to the pub-keeper ("Papa"), who helped to "uncoat" the thief. But what about the wallet? It wasn't in the pocket. The guy took the money and got rid of it. Would you tell me if you stumbled over a black leather wallet?